1. Select Groups
2. Select a group you're a member of
3. Select Settings
4. Select Notifications & Preferences
Here you can choose whether or not you receive group alerts, email notifications about group activities, and more.
You can also easily adjust notifications for all your groups in one place:
1. Select your profile pic at the top right corner
2. Select Settings
3. Select Groups
Here you can choose if you’d like to turn off group alerts or group chats for each of your groups.
1. Tap Communities
2. Select a group you're a member of
3. Tap
4. Tap Push Notifications
5. Edit your notification settings
Here you can choose whether or not you receive group alerts, email notifications about group activities, and more.
1. Tap Communities
2. Select a group you're a member of
3. Tap
4. Tap Push Notifications
5. Edit your notification settings
Here you can choose whether or not you receive group alerts, email notifications about group activities, and more.
Articles in this section
- Submit your Group or Page for MeWe Spotlight
- Delete your group
- Create a MeWe group
- Group settings and permissions
- Inviting people to your group
- Share a photo in a MeWe group
- Share a video in a MeWe group
- Share a Dual-Camera MeWe in a group
- Share a voice message in a MeWe group
- Share a file/document in a group
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