Extra Cloud Storage Extra Cloud Storage
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Extra Cloud Storage


2 GB of cloud storage is free and standard (this is good for about 15,000 photos). You can then upgrade for more or easily delete your old content to clear up more space. Upgrade options are:

  • 50 GB for $3.99 / month
  • 100 GB for $5.99 / month
  • 500 GB for $14.99 / month

Here's how to upgrade your storage today: 

1.  Select your profile pic at the top right corner of your screen

2. Select My Cloud from the drop-down menu

3. Select Get More Space





2 GB of cloud storage is free and standard (this is good for about 15,000 photos). You can then upgrade for more or easily delete your old content to clear up more space. Upgrade options are:

  • 50 GB for $3.99 / month
  • 100 GB for $5.99 / month
  • 500 GB for $14.99 / month

Here's how to upgrade your storage today: 

1. Tap icnIProfileBasic.png More

2. Select MeWe Store

3. Select Cloud Storage





2 GB of cloud storage is free and standard (this is good for about 15,000 photos). You can then upgrade for more or easily delete your old content to clear up more space. Upgrade options are:

  • 50 GB for $3.99 / month
  • 100 GB for $5.99 / month
  • 500 GB for $14.99 / month

Here's how to upgrade your storage today: 

1. Tap icnIProfileBasic.png More

2. Select MeWe Store

3. Select Cloud Storage


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