When you create a post from your page, you have a rich selection of options to communicate with your followers besides just using plain text. Page posting features include:
- Leaving Voice Messages - record and post audio messages for your followers with this feature that is unique to MeWe
- Sharing Photos - share one or multiple photos at a time. You can add captions to your photos and create photo albums as well
- Sharing Videos - upload videos to share with your followers
- Sharing Dual-Camera MeWe’s – share dual-camera videos (called “MeWe’s”) simultaneously recording your iPhone's front-facing ("Me") and back-facing ("We") cameras
- Sharing Stories – create slideshow stories of your day that disappear after 24 hours
- Creating Polls - ask a question to your followers and give them up to 20 options to choose from. You can set a deadline for when your poll closes, too
- Adding GIFs - choose GIFs from tons of different categories, including “Dance,” “High Five,” “Eye Roll,” “Excited” and many more.
- Sharing Files/Documents - upload files including Word docs and other popular formats
- Adding Emojis - 2,800+ emojis are free, plus there are optional custom emojis you can purchase
- Text formatting - spice up your text using bold, italics or strikethrough
Articles in this section
- How do you cancel a subscription of someone who is deceased?
- Can I see who has shared my posts?
- Can I switch back to a private account after going public?
- Public and Private Profiles
- MeWe Profiles
- What can people see from my account if my profile is Public?
- What can people see from my account if my profile is Private?
- Will people who are not on MeWe be able to see my profile?
- How many people will I be able to follow and is there a limit?
- Will anyone on MeWe be able to comment on, or emoji my posts if I am public?