Change Profile Name Change Profile Name
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Change Profile Name

1. Select your profile photo at the top right corner of your screen

2. Select Settings

3. Select My Account 

4. Select Name

Please note: If you change your name, you won’t be able to change your name again for 30 days. 

If you haven't updated your account to The Social Web, you cannot change your username again for 60 days.


1. Tap icnIProfileBasic.png 

2. Tap icnISettings.png 

3. Tap icnIKey_3x.png 

4. Tap icnITextStrikethrough_3x.png 

Please note: If you change your name, you won’t be able to change your name again for 30 days. 

If you haven't updated your account to The Social Web, you cannot change your username again for 60 days.


1. Tap icnIProfileBasic.png 

2. Tap icnISettings.png 

3. Tap icnIKey_3x.png 

4. Tap icnITextStrikethrough_3x.png  

Please note: If you change your name, you won’t be able to change your name again for 30 days. 

If you haven't updated your account to The Social Web, you cannot change your username again for 60 days.

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