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Here's how to report a post:
1. Select at the top right corner of the post
2. Select Report Post
3. You have the option to submit the reason you are reporting this post
Posts on MeWe must obey our Terms of Service
If you believe a post is violating our terms, please report it. If you report a post, we will not tell the user who posted it that you reported it.
Here's how to report a post:
1. Tap the arrow icon at the top right corner of the post you'd like to report
2. Tap Report Post
3. You have the option to submit the reason you are reporting this post
Posts on MeWe must obey our Terms of Service
If you believe a post is violating our terms, please report it. If you report a post, we will not tell the user who posted it that you reported it.
Here's how to report a post:
1. Tap the arrow icon at the top right corner of the post you'd like to report
2. Tap Report Post
3. You have the option to submit the reason you are reporting this post
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