Delete your MeWe page Delete your MeWe page

Delete your MeWe page


1. Select Pages

2. Select the page you would like to delete

3. Select Settings

4. Select Admin/Owner

5. Select icnICloseCenter_3x.png Delete This Page


1. Tap icnICommunitiesBasic.png Communities

2. Select the page you would like to delete

3. Select icnISettings.png Settings

4. Select icnIContactsBasic_3x.png Owner/ Admin

5. Select icnITrash.png Delete Page 


1. Tap icnICommunitiesBasic.png Communities

2. Select the page you would like to delete

3. Select icnISettings.png Settings

4. Select icnIContactsBasic_3x.png Owner/ Admin

5. Select icnITrash.png Delete Page