Ban a follower from your MeWe page Ban a follower from your MeWe page
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Ban a follower from your MeWe page



1. Select Pages

2. Select the page you would like to ban a follower from

3. Select Settings 

4. Select Followers/Banned

5. Select icnIMoreBasic_3x.png next to the follower you would like to ban

6. Choose Ban From Page



1. Tap icnICommunitiesBasic_3x.png Communities

2. Select the page you would like to ban a follower from

3. Tap icnISettings_3x.png Settings

4. Tap icnIFollow_3x.png  Followers/ Banned

5. Select the follower you would like to ban

6. Tap icnIMoreBasic_3x.png

7. Choose Ban User




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