We take a close look at several important factors before awarding a verified badge. This includes checking if the account is active, genuine, notable, and one-of-a-kind. It's worth noting that we don't factor in the number of followers or likes when it comes to granting this badge—our focus is on the quality and authenticity of the account itself!
Some account requirements we consider for verification include:
• Active: Your account must have logged in to MeWe within 6 months.
• Authentic: Your account represents a real person, business, or entity. We accept one verification per business or person. If you're a business, institution, or entity, the email domain you provide in your application must represent you, such as @mewe.com. We may request additional documentation if you can't provide your email domain. Your username should also be similar to your business name.
• Complete: Your account must be public and have a completed profile with a username, bio, profile photo, and at least one post.
• Notable: You must be featured in multiple news sources. We consider press releases and sponsored or paid media.
We want to emphasize that all accounts, including verified ones, need to follow our Terms of Service. This helps us keep MeWe a safe and enjoyable platform for everyone, and that definitely includes verified accounts, too!
How do I apply for the verification badge?
If you meet all the requirements, please email verification@mewe.com with the following.
- Your name and business name (if applicable)
- Your email address (needs to be business-related)
- Your MeWe profile URL and or username
- Relevant information (News articles, photos, etc.)
How much does it cost to get verified?
- We don't charge you to get verified. Any entity claiming to sell MeWe verifications isn't affiliated with MeWe.
Why might MeWe remove the verification badge?
We may remove a verified badge at any time and without notice.
- The username changed, so the account owner needs to re-apply for verification.
- The account repeatedly or severely violated our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.
I applied, but I haven’t seen the verified badge yet.
- If we don't grant you a MeWe verification badge after reviewing your application, you can submit another request 60 days after we notify you.
Do I need a Premium MeWe account to be verified?
- No! You can have a FREE MeWe account and still be eligible for verification.
Who can I contact?
- Please email Customer Support: verification@mewe.com
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